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  • Reply to: Trail Conditions Forum   9 years 2 months ago
    Just wanted to make everyone aware, there was a brush fire actively burning on the North Side of Pine Meadow Lake in Harriman State Park on Sunday 4/12/15. The Park office was notifed and advised at the time of our call that they were aware of the situation. The Park did not appear to be actively fighting the fire, but more than likely letting it burn the underbrush on that side of the lake. There are 2 illegal campsites that I know of in that are just east of the old CCC pumphouse. It appeared to have burned quite a bit of area but also seemed to be extinguishing itself at the time, as it seemd to be burning itself into a corner at lakeside.
  • Reply to: Trail Conditions Forum   9 years 2 months ago
    the new bridge is above the cascades, making it possible to cross the stream on the orange HTS trail. the bridge which takes the kakiat trail across the stream is still out as of last week. not sure of any rebuilding plans but it is not possible to plan a hike crossing that stream right now. hurricane irene caused destruction of a number of bridges in the area. most have been rebuilt but not that one on the kakiat.
  • Reply to: Gear   9 years 2 months ago
    Gregory Palisades 80.  Mens, 5370 cu in, Internal Frame, precurved hipbelt and harness, hydration sleeve,fully adjustable, 7 exterior pockets, used 4X on AT section hikes, great pack.  Bob Randhare 845-753-9348.  $75
  • Reply to: Trail Conditions Forum   9 years 3 months ago
    I walked those two sections on 22 and 28 March. Still had enough snow in almost all the way, but it was frozen and you could walk well (in some areas is suitable microspikes). However, section 12 snow was pretty soft, and occasionally you sink. Also areas with a little water. After these days of high temperature and rainfall, it is possible that the snow that remains is still softer. I am following the Long Path north. This weekend I hope to walk sections 14 and 15. I have a car. If you also have a car and at some point we agree, we could organize for connecting the start and end of a section . Sorry for my bad English. You may have guessed that I am translating with google.
  • Reply to: Trail Conditions Forum   9 years 3 months ago
    I am thinking of hiking the Long Path near Basha Kill this Saturday, April 4. Anywhere within sections 11 and 12 , but I am wondering about conditions with spring snow melt. If it only requires occasional road walking, that is not so bad. I am also wondering about ice and snow conditions in the higher elevations. Can anyone tell me what to expect? Thanks.
  • Reply to: Trail Conditions Forum   9 years 3 months ago
    Yesterday afternoon my wife and I hiked out and back from the parking lot at the Bear Mountain Inn.  We took the 1777E trail south, turned west on Doodletown road, followed it to the S-BM junction and then returned. The trails were virtually snow-free. There was mud in spots, as you would expect, but certainly nothing that wasn't easily avoided. Fairly close to the trail head, we spotted a group of 8 deer grazing. Along Doodletown Road we also saw what appeared to be bear paw marks in the mud.
  • Reply to: Trail Conditions Forum   9 years 3 months ago
    The new bridge across Pine Meadow Brook was recently constructed by volunteers and is open for use by the hiking public.
  • Reply to: Trail Conditions Forum   9 years 3 months ago
    In the latest Trail Walker there is a picture of two guys building a bridge, and the caption says it is above the Cascade of Slid. Is this bridge completed? Can you hike the Kakiat trail to this bridge and cross the water? I did not see any announcement about this on the TC website, which seems odd.
  • Reply to: Trail Conditions Forum   9 years 3 months ago
    we did an arden loop from elk pen today fri 3/20. started around 10am going up the AT. it was hard packed snow going up. traction aids necessary, snowshoes not necessary at that time. we went on the ASB/LP  up to the lichen and then the RD, back on the dunning and island pond rd, then out on the ASB.  plenty of bare rock on the ridges of lichen and RD. pretty easy going on the dunning. it started snowing around noontime. on island pond road the snow was pretty deep still but not terrible.  we got on the asb which was snowy but manageable until we got to the steep part where the trail gets very narrow going along the edge of the cliff. by that point the snow had covered up the very icy conditions on that section of trail. full crampons and an ice axe would have been helpful.  the rest of the way down the ASB was very slippery, ice under snow and the snow was so sticky that it balled up and rendered microspikes rather ineffective. I strongly suggest that hikers avoid the ASB between island pond Rd and the elk pen until spring REALLY arrives—it is very dangerous right now. conditions are expected to moderate in the next few days so it could all change soon but be careful out there!!  
  • Reply to: Trail Conditions Forum   9 years 3 months ago
    great,thanks for the update!  here on long island, at sea level, the trails are all covered in about 3 inches of ice.  I was thinking about postponing it but it sounds like I might not have to pass on my trip after all.